Finally arrived in Istanbul. My 1st impression of Turkey is people are friendly and one can't help to notice that their smiles are sincere, observed from the moment I stepped out from the plane. The trolley experience is simply unforgettable for a lady in distress ;). After traveling many hours I simply refused to carry my bags so I opted for the airport trolley instead. While attempting to pull a trolley from a row of them, a gentleman approached me and told me that I need 1 lira. He asked me if I have any but unfortunately I only have dollar notes with me. He was kind to give me his 1 lira and pulled a trolley out for me. Now that's Turkish hospitality for you! So thankfully I recall how to say thank you in Turkish -
teşekkür ederim. When I head to the exit, we say our goodbyes. The hand gesture of waving at each other is universal for goodbye :)
Finally met my team - Ants and Anand, while mingled with the others too namely Aaron, Reji and yes, the team that made all this happened from day 1 - DOT. meeting was good and it's always nice to meet people face to face :)
More to come today....after breakfast and team event